Monday, February 27, 2023

10 Soft Skills to Accelerate Your Career

Hard skills get you hired but soft skills get you promoted in business and in life. So what are "soft skills" ? Soft skills are the combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and personality traits that make it easy to get along and work harmoniously with other people. Sounds easy but its usually something most of us have to work act consistently and consciously to get good at. 

11 Soft Leadership Skills to Accelerate Your Career:

1) Communication

  • Listen without interruption.
  • Speak in a positive tone. 
  • Pay attention to body language.

2) Persuasion

  • Identify what others care about.
  • Create stories that resonate with them
  • Communicate these stories with brevety and emotion.

3) Negotiation

  • Know your worth.
  • Listen carefully to the other person.
  • Understand what the other side wants.
  • Propose solutions that benefit both sides.

4) Relationship Building 

  • Helps others unconditionally.
  • Find common interest or goals.
  • Add value to the relationship.

5) Empathy

  • Take genuine interest in others.
  • Acknowledge their feelings.
  • Look at things from their perspective. 
  • Never judge and find ways to be supportive.

6) Positive Attitude

  • Never gossip.
  • Never complain.
  • Criticize sparingly.
  • Always speak well of others.

7) Team Work

  • Avoid claiming all credit.
  • Celebrate other people's wins.
  • Praise team members generously and publicly.

8) Conflict Resolution

  • Avoid accusations and arguments.
  • Take a step back when you are upset.
  • Understand why you are upset.
  • Think about the consequences of your actions and proceed accordingly.

9) Time Management

  • Learn to prioritize.
  • Learn to delegate.
  • Leart to say no.

10) Work Ethic

  • Take responsibility for your work.
  • Always show up and deliver on time.
  • Always honor your commitments.
  • Never deflect blame onto others.
At BizBoom360 One Stop Solutions we aim to provide professional advice, guidance and actionable solutions to overcome barriers and obstacles. We work closely with aspiring entrepreneurs, small business owners and nonprofit leaders to help them reach their goals. To book a free 30 minute discovery call email


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