Tuesday, February 28, 2023

7 Cold Calling Strategies for Success

Cold calling is a marketing technique where a business owner, consultant or  salesperson contacts individuals or businesses that they have no prior relationship with in order to introduce them to a product or service. 

Here are 7 Strategies for Effective Cold Calling:

Do your research: Before making any calls, research your target market to learn as much as you can about their needs and pain points. This will help you tailor your pitch to their specific needs.

Prepare your script: A well-prepared script will help you stay on track and ensure you don't forget any key points. However, avoid sounding robotic or reading from a script word-for-word. Instead, use it as a guide to keep the conversation focused.

Start with a strong opening: You have only a few seconds to capture the prospect's attention, so start with a strong opening that engages them and makes them want to hear more. 

Listen more than you talk: It's important to let the prospect talk and express their needs and concerns. Listen carefully and ask relevant questions to show you understand their needs.

Keep it short and sweet: Respect the prospect's time and keep your call concise and to the point. Don't overload them with too much information, and be prepared to answer any questions they may have. 

Follow up: If the prospect is interested but not ready to commit, follow up with them in a timely manner. This shows that you're serious about building a relationship and that you value their business.

Be persistent but respectful: Don't give up after one unsuccessful call, but don't be overly aggressive or pushy. Respect the prospect's decision and be open to hearing their feedback.

Finally, remember, cold calling can be challenging, but with the right approach and mindset, it can also be a powerful tool for building your business. Do you have a "practice" partner or "cold calling" coach? Personally, I practice in front of the mirror all the time!


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Monday, February 27, 2023

10 Soft Skills to Accelerate Your Career

Hard skills get you hired but soft skills get you promoted in business and in life. So what are "soft skills" ? Soft skills are the combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and personality traits that make it easy to get along and work harmoniously with other people. Sounds easy but its usually something most of us have to work act consistently and consciously to get good at. 

11 Soft Leadership Skills to Accelerate Your Career:

1) Communication

  • Listen without interruption.
  • Speak in a positive tone. 
  • Pay attention to body language.

2) Persuasion

  • Identify what others care about.
  • Create stories that resonate with them
  • Communicate these stories with brevety and emotion.

3) Negotiation

  • Know your worth.
  • Listen carefully to the other person.
  • Understand what the other side wants.
  • Propose solutions that benefit both sides.

4) Relationship Building 

  • Helps others unconditionally.
  • Find common interest or goals.
  • Add value to the relationship.

5) Empathy

  • Take genuine interest in others.
  • Acknowledge their feelings.
  • Look at things from their perspective. 
  • Never judge and find ways to be supportive.

6) Positive Attitude

  • Never gossip.
  • Never complain.
  • Criticize sparingly.
  • Always speak well of others.

7) Team Work

  • Avoid claiming all credit.
  • Celebrate other people's wins.
  • Praise team members generously and publicly.

8) Conflict Resolution

  • Avoid accusations and arguments.
  • Take a step back when you are upset.
  • Understand why you are upset.
  • Think about the consequences of your actions and proceed accordingly.

9) Time Management

  • Learn to prioritize.
  • Learn to delegate.
  • Leart to say no.

10) Work Ethic

  • Take responsibility for your work.
  • Always show up and deliver on time.
  • Always honor your commitments.
  • Never deflect blame onto others.
At BizBoom360 One Stop Solutions we aim to provide professional advice, guidance and actionable solutions to overcome barriers and obstacles. We work closely with aspiring entrepreneurs, small business owners and nonprofit leaders to help them reach their goals. To book a free 30 minute discovery call email info@BizBoom360.com


Sunday, February 26, 2023

2023 Changes to NJ Cannabis Business Rules


Cannabis Law Changes

There are several new changes to the rules that govern the cannabis industry in New Jersey:

  • Three new license types will soon be available: Class 3, wholesalers; Class 4, distributors; and Class 6, delivery licenses.
  • The criteria for priority applications have been reordered with all Social Equity, Diversity-owned Businesses, and Impact Zone applications — including those for annual and conversion licenses — receiving review before all other applications.
  • There won't be statewide restrictions on cultivation licenses as of February 22nd, 2023 (your municipality may still have restrictions).
  • After February 22nd, 2023, cannabis license holders will be able to hold a cultivator license, a manufacturer license, a retailer license, and a delivery service license at the same time. 
  • License holders will be able to have only one of each and in any combination.  Additionally, wholesale license holders can also hold a distributor license. 
  • Expanded alternative treatment centers may cultivate, manufacture, retail, and deliver.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

2023 Legal Requirements for Temporary Help Service Firms & Their Clients


New Requirements for Temp Help Services

A new New Jersey law is making changes to records keeping and reporting requirements for temporary help service firms and for the client companies that employ their workers. The law covers many people in temporary work assignments, with some exceptions. In brief, the law has several key requirements.

These take effect on August 5th, 2023 unless otherwise noted.

  • Temporary help service firms must be certified by the Division of Consumer Affairs within the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety.
  • These firms must now provide workers with a statement that contains certain required information in English as well as the language identified by the worker as their primary language. Takes effect May 7th, 2023.
  • These firms must create certain records relating to their temporary workers and must keep these records for six years from their date of creation.
  • These firms and their clients may not charge temporary workers for their transportation to or from a worksite, with certain exceptions.
  • These firms may not obstruct their workers' rights to seek employment elsewhere, including with their clients, and may not inhibit their clients from hiring those workers.
  • These firms and their clients may not retaliate, through discharge or in any other manner, against any worker who exercises their rights under this law. Takes effect May 7th, 2023.
  • Employers may not enter into a contract for temporary help services with a company that is not certified by the Division of Consumer Affairs. Employers are responsible for verifying the registration status of a temporary help service firm.

To learn more visit 

Bill A1474 Aa w/GR (2R) Session 2022 - 2023


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Friday, February 24, 2023

10 April Fundraising Ideas

Not too hot; not too cold. Spring brings a breath of fresh air, literally, so take advantage and breathe deep! Keep the fundraisers active—kids of all ages have been cooped up for months, so parents of all stripes will want to take part in anything that lets them leave that excess energy behind.

Spring is the season of birth and newness. Go with fresh ideas and themes, and go hard on the veggies. Forget being sensible. Shake out the wrinkles and just go for your goals! Here my list of 10 April Fundraising Ideas for Your Nonprofit.

1. Autism Awareness Month (April)

The best way to acknowledge Autism Awareness Month is to bring autistic people into the planning. With their creativity and guidance, you can come up with a fundraiser to remember! Don't be one of those ableist organizations that decide what's best without the valuable input of those you are serving. Autism is a SPECTRUM disorder which means that there is a wide range of function and/or cognitive impairment. Try to create opportunities for your entire constituency to participate and engage.  

2. Ramadan (Dates vary each year)

Encourage supporters to give something up during the month of Ramadan, like coffee, and donate the savings.

3. National Public Health Week (Dates vary. It’s always the first full week of April.)

Created by the American Public Health Association, National Public Health Week is a great opportunity for fundraising for organizations that do work that supports health and well-being. Use this week to highlight programs that connect with the theme of the week and ask supporters to make a donation to support those programs. 

4. April Fools Day (April 1)

Nonprofits have executed some epic April Fools Day pranks and some have parlayed their pranks into fundraising asks. Have fun and give yourself permission to creative with it! 

5. Siblings Day (April 10)

Ask your supporters to make a donation in honor of their sibling. This can be an especially meaningful ask if your nonprofit works with children and families. 

5. Passover (Dates vary each year)

By keeping in mind freedom during Passover, the Jewish holiday that celebrates freedom from slavery in Egypt, you can acknowledge the struggle and help ensure that modern day slavery and systemic oppression are stamped out.

6. Earth Day (April 22)

If your organization does environmental work of any kind, Earth Day is a prime fundraising opportunity. Use the day to make a case for the importance of a particular project your nonprofit is working on. You could also host an Earth Day-themed fundraising event. Many people observe “Earth Hour,” which happens around Earth Day. This is when people turn off any non-essential lights as a demonstration of their commitment to the earth. You could choose to host your fundraising event during Earth Hour by candlelight for some extra ambiance!

7. Flower or Plant Fundraisers

Springtime is a great time for gardening. Your nonprofit can partner with a local nursery or plant grower for a flower or plant fundraiser. Alternatively, you could do a flower delivery fundraiser that’s timed with Easter.

8. Yom HaShoah (April 17-18)

Holocaust Remembrance Day

 9. Laylat al-Qadr (April 17)

A holy night in a holy month, Laylat al-Qadr is the night that the Koran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. It's a significant day of recognition to Muslim people.

 10. Honesty Day (April 30)

The foil to April Fools Day at the beginning of April, your nonprofit can use this day to get real with supporters about what’s happening behind the scenes at your organization and make an ask to support an initiative. Or, get honest about the state of the problem your organization is working to solve. You don’t have to present it as doom and gloom, just honestly lay out the facts. Transparency is trending, after all.

Let’s spring into action, Fundraiser! Good luck with your Spring fundraisers! 


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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Business Loans Without Business Credit?


Here's the actual truth to the question "Do you need to have business credit established (and enough of it) to get approved for a business loan?"

Yes and No - Hear me out...

In the traditional sense of a "Bank Loan" Yes, they will look at it to a degree but in the making of a "Private Loan" through a Private Lender who's willing to take a higher risk, not exactly and here why.

To get an "Unsecured Business Loan (Non-Collateralized without the bank) OR an "Unsecured Line Of Credit", you don't necessarily need the business credit profile IF your business has strong bank statements with at least $3,000 monthly revenue consistently for at least the last three months, you don't have insufficient funds or negative days during that same time period and your personal credit score is at least 500.

Most banks and business lenders do require it but times are changing and today we have access to revenue based business lenders if you know who to ask and where to look without destroying your credit score with multiple inquiries.

And you can get a "Non-Banking" business loan without business credit IF it's a private lender or a network of lenders that specialize in higher risk loans, HOWEVER...

The cost you'll endure are higher rates but that's not the "main" issue for most savvy business people.

Your "Benefit MUST Exceed Your Repayment" for getting the funds to make sense.

So I'll leave it at that for now - Do you have any questions about business credit and would like me to clear anything more up? Let's Talk Soon! 


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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

6 Ways You Can Find New Clients


There’s a good chance if you’re a small business owner like I am, your brain is already focused on what your business will look like by the end of 2023. One big area that I think about is growth. How can I sustainably grow my business? Where should I seek out new opportunities? How can I build a great team and lead my team to the next level?

It can be overwhelming to think about these things all at once, which is why I’m sharing with you my plan and some tried and true tips if some of your goals for 2023 is to drum up new business and take on new clients. I think the very first thing we all need to know is where to find the right people for our business.

In a perfect world, new clients would seek YOU out – but if you aren’t at that point yet, don’t worry. It can take some time and experience to get there. In the meantime, here are 6 ways you can find new clients at any time.

👋 Reach out to your network.

You’ve got to start somewhere, so it might as well be with people who already know and like you! Your network could include former coworkers, friends, family, or volunteer or social organizations you belong to and even former employers. Don’t be discouraged if friends and family don’t immediately support you!

🤓 Be a helpful resource online.

One method for finding new clients through social media is by joining a Facebook Group such as this one. Engage in conversations and dedicate yourself to being a useful RESOURCE. That way, once an opportunity comes up, you’ll be a natural fit as you’re already someone that has built trust and credibility in the group.

📍Focus on local clients.

Connect with local businesses either in person or by reaching out to them on social or through email. It’s important to mention the fact that you’re local as that automatically builds connection and gives you something in common. In my case my best clients happen to be in Florida because that’s where I built my prior business and fortunately that has worked out for me.

💬 Ask for referrals.

Current clients are your best advocates. They know exactly what it’s like to work with you and can attest to the stellar services you provide. If they’re happy with your work, they should have no problem letting others know how great you are to work with, too!

📬 Try out cold emails or messaging.

Hear me out: there are plenty of non-cringey ways to use cold emails to get new clients. The first step is to do your research. Find out who the best person to contact is and figure out a way to personalize your email to them. Whatever you do, don’t send a canned email — that is the quickest way to end up in someone’s trash folder.

⚡️Follow up with past clients.

Just like your current clients, past clients also know exactly what it’s like to work with you, so the know, like, trust factor is already there. This makes it even easier to land new projects without the added pressure of pitching yourself and your services.

These are just some of my tried and true methods and places to find new clients. But there are plenty of creative ways to land more clients! Experiment and put yourself out there. Once you have a steady stream of client work coming in, you’ll have a solid base to work from and can build your business from there.

Eventually, your work will speak for itself so you can stop searching and maybe even have a waitlist of clients who found YOU because of the great work you’ve produced just like us! These tips also work great for nonprofit fundraising, sponsorship and event marketing.


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11 March Fundraising Ideas

If you a nonprofit it's important to remain fresh and relevant in your donors and community eyes while keeping your costs down so that you can utilize the majority of your operational funds to directly serve your constituency and impact your cause. At least that's what I look for in a nonprofit organization before I donate or get involved. How much money are they spending on their primary purpose and how much are they spending on "the rest"? That's why I love creative low cost fundraising projects that take advantage of existing opportunities for cause related marketing all year long.

11 Fun March Fundraising Ideas:

1. Women's History Month (March)

Forget about history, HERstory's where it's at. Run a monthlong peer-to-peer fundraiser focused on the contributions that women have made to your cause. No gimmicks, no hooks, just acknowledgement—and donations! 

2. Employee Appreciation Day (March 3)

Nonprofit staff could always use a little more love! Employee Appreciation Day is a fun and creative fundraising opportunity to highlight the hard work your staff does each and every day. Turn the email or social spotlight on your team today and ask supporters to donate to keep making their work possible. 

3. Easter Egg Hunt Fundraiser (Date varies each year)

I love Easter Egg hunts and they are a fun childhood tradition for many families. Your nonprofit can use this opportunity to host an Easter Egg hunt fundraiser and give kids a second (or maybe a third!) opportunity to hunt for Easter eggs this year. 

4. International Women’s Day (March 8)

Your nonprofit probably has more than a handful of reasons to celebrate women on International Women’s Day. Use this opportunity to raise money for programs that help women or ask your supporters to make a donation in honor of a woman in their lives. 

5. Daylight Savings (Date varies each year)

Daylight Savings in the Spring means we lose an hour of sleep (womp, womp), but you can turn it into an opportunity for your nonprofit to gain a donation! Although your supporters can’t magically get back an hour of their day, you can ask them to give the gift of “time” by donating to support staff time and salaries. 

6. Pi Day (March 14)

Get creative with your ask amount today and ask for a donation of $3.14 to celebrate Pi Day! 

7. Equal Pay Day (March 15)

It's a symbolic date, but it hits hard! Knowing that women have worked this long into the year, just to make what men earned the previous year... that stinks. Ask your supporters to donate $15 dollars to help bridge the gap, and help your organization give your employees a "Spring Bonus" in recognition for their hard work. 

8. Purim (Dates vary each year)

On this date of Jewish celebration, tradition and history reign supreme. And if you know us, you know exactly which tradition am going to highlight—that's right, costumes! While it's not necessarily the occasion to stock up on risqué ensembles, it could be the moment for a "Chopped"-style costume contest: give competitors a logo T-shirt, a pair of scissors, glue, and baubles, and see what they come up with! 

9. St. Patrick's Day (March 17)

Raise money by selling seed packets for clover! Follow up by asking for photos on social media and reward 4-leaf clovers with a virtual "pot o' gold"! 

10. Spring Equinox (March 20)

The first day of the new season brings fresh energy and gets us all excited for warmer weather! Use this day to put out a call for volunteers and supporters to “spring into action” and celebrate the new season. Get creative with your call to action. 

11. Spring Cleaning for Good

The Spring season often inspires people to clean out their closets and garages, and in general "KonMari" their lives. This year ask your supporters to donate their unwanted items to your organization for an epic garage sale hosted by your nonprofit.

Hope you guys have lots of fun with these ideas. Enjoy!


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Monday, February 20, 2023

10 Ways to Improve Customer Experience


A customer’s experience with your business is the sum of all their interactions with you, from the first time they hear about your company to post-purchase follow-up.

In other words, it’s everything that touches a customer – both online and offline. And in today’s digital world, the majority of those touchpoints will be online. That’s why it’s so important to create a positive customer experience on your website. If your website is confusing or difficult to use, you’re likely to lose customers – and sales.

On the other hand, if your website is easy to navigate and provides a great user experience, you’ll be rewarded with happy customers and increased sales.

Define "Customer Experience"

The History Of Customer Experience

The term “customer experience” has only been around for a few years, but the concept is not new. In fact, businesses have been trying to improve the customer experience since the beginning of commerce. In ancient times, merchants would do everything they could to please their customers, from offering them a seat to providing them with refreshments.

One of the first companies to really focus on improving the customers overall experience was department store Nordstrom. In the early 1900s, Nordstrom’s founder John W. Nordstrom set out to provide his customers with the best possible service. He instilled this commitment to customer service in all of his employees, and it remains a core part of the company’s culture today. Nordstrom is now known for its exceptional customer service, and it is considered one of the best retailers in the world.

What's The Difference Between Customer Service And Customer Experience?

Now that we’ve talked about what customer experience is, you might be wondering what the difference is between customer service and customer experience.

To put it simply, customer service is a part of the customer experience. It’s the one-on-one interaction that you have with your customers, whether it’s in person, on the phone, or online. Customer experience, on the other hand, is the sum of all interactions a customer has with your business – both online and offline.

Take Your Customer's Experience To The Next Level

An excellent customer experience is the key to any successful business. It’s what sets you apart from your competition and keeps your customers coming back for more. If you’re looking to take your customer’s experience to the next level, try these top 10 tips:

1. Make it easy for customers to find what they're looking for on your website.

Use clear and concise navigation, and include search functionality so that customers can easily find the products or information they’re looking for. If customers can’t find what they’re looking for on your website, they’ll quickly become frustrated and are likely to leave without making a purchase. That’s why it’s so important to have clear navigation and search functionality on your site.

2. Use high-quality images and videos. 

Customers want to see what they’re buying, so make sure to use high-quality product photos and videos. This will give customers a better idea of what the product looks like and how it works, which can help them make a more informed purchase decision. The last thing your customer wants is a surprise when their order shows up in the mail.

3. Offer a variety of shipping options.

Customers appreciate having choices, so offer a variety of shipping options on your website. This might include standard shipping, expedited shipping, or even local pickup for customers who live near your store. Giving customers different shipping options will make them more likely to purchase from you again in the future.

4. Make it easy for customers to contact you.

Include your contact information on every page of your website, and make it easy for customers to reach you by phone or email. You should also respond to customer inquiries promptly so that they know you value their business. Don’t make them jump through hoops or make it hard to track you down.

5. Reward your loyal customers!

Customers who have been with you for a while deserve to be rewarded for their loyalty. Offer them discounts, free shipping, or other perks that will make them want to continue doing business with you. Loyal customers are worth their weight in gold and shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Not only do loyal customers purchase your products or services, they’re essentially free marketing! They’re likely to tell their friends and family about your business, which can help you attract new customers.

6. Make it easy for customers to pay.

Include a variety of payment options on your website, and make sure the checkout process is quick and easy. No one wants to spend hours filling out forms or waiting for their order to be processed.

The easier you can make it for customers to pay, the more likely they are to do business with you again. In this day and age consumers attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. The last thing you want is someone bailing during checkout because it took too long.

7. Pay attention to the little things.

It’s the little things that can make a big difference in the customer experience. Something as simple as using friendly language on your website or sending a handwritten thank-you note with an order can go a long way toward making your customers feel valued.

If you see your customers face-to-face,  take the time to learn their names and use them when you can. These small gestures can make a big impression and turn customers into lifelong fans of your business.

8. Thoroughly train your employees.

Your employees are the face of your business, so it’s important that they’re properly trained on how to provide excellent customer service. They should be friendly and helpful, and they should know your products or services inside and out. If you have happy and knowledgeable employees, it will reflect well on your business and make customers want to come back.

It’s also important to give employees the tools they need to do their jobs effectively. This might include a customer relationship management (CRM) system, access to order histories, or even just a good old-fashioned customer service script. By equipping your employees with the resources they need, you can be sure that they’re providing the best possible experience to your customers.

9. Ask for feedback!

Customers are the best source of information when it comes to improving the customer experience. Ask them what they like and don’t like, what they want to see more of, and what you could do better. Then take that feedback and use it to make changes in your business.

Whether it’s adding a new product or service, changing the way you handle customer inquiries, or something else entirely, listen to what your customers are saying and use it to improve their experience.

And last but not least…

10. Be consistent!

Customers like consistency, so it’s important to provide a consistent experience across all channels. Whether a customer is interacting with your website, speaking to customer service, or visiting your store in person, they should have the same positive experience. Consistency builds trust and creates a sense of reliability, both of which are important for attracting and keeping customers.

What areas do you have room to improve in?

Creating a great customer experience is essential for online businesses. If you make it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for and purchase your products, you’ll be rewarded with happy, loyal customers who will return time and time again.

Would you like to learn about how we can help you create high-quality graphics that your customers will love? Would you like to have me take a look at your website or business operations and help you create a unique to your business  system to enhance the customer experience for your clients?

Feel free to reach out to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call. Email Info@BizBoom360.com