Saturday, February 26, 2022

Basic Business Plan Structures

Your business plan is vital to outline everything you will do and how you will do it.

The format for your business plan is important to consider. There tend to be four categories of business plans: strategic, traditional, lean startup, and feasibility. Choose your format according to what best suits your type of company. 

Strategic Business Plan Format

The strategic business plan format focuses more on higher-level goals rather than detailed methods. It plans how to achieve your goals and is a great asset for communicating the big picture to others. 

Traditional Business Plan Format

This is a comprehensive business plan, covering all the steps, which is good for detail-oriented people. This plan is very useful if you are thinking of asking for funding. 

Lean Startup Format

This format provides a visual picture of facts about your business in the form of charts that cover the main information about your company, including finances, customers, and structure. 

Feasibility Business Plan Format

This business plan seeks to answer whether the company can make a profit and who is going to buy what the company has to offer. 

No matter what type of company, all business plans should cover the following elements:

Executive summary - a quick outline of your company

Company description - details what your company does

Market analysis - where you will use your market research, including some graphs from your quantitative research

Organization and management - the structure of your business

Service or product - what you offer

Marketing and sales - your market and sales strategy

Funding request - how much money you require to conduct your business

Financial projections - detail the current state of finances and add financial projections

Appendix - this is optional to add anything referenced earlier in the plan such as permits, data, or research

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