Checking your credit reports on an annual basis is a must in this day and age of rampant credit fraud and identity theft, specially since there is a fairly good chance that your credit reports will have one or more mistakes more than once in your lifetime. Think about that!
- A study done by the Federal Trade Commission found that 25% of all consumers have an error on their credit report that negatively impacts their credit score.
The study also showed that 80% of people who challenge items on their credit report are able to get at least some of the negative information altered or removed. That’s great news!
Follow this process to get these errors corrected:
- If they can’t complete their investigation within 30 days, they basically have to make the changes you requested. Include only one dispute per letter.
- The credit bureaus would love for you to file your dispute online. It saves them time and money because it automates the process. What's more it usually doesn't resolve your issue favorably. Receiving your letter is much more cumbersome for them. So send your complaints via the postal service.
- Their response must be postmarked within 30 days of receiving your letters.
- One credit bureau has been known to simply give you what you want without investigating at all!
8. Continue disputing all the negative items. At the end of the day, the credit bureaus exist to make money. They make money by selling credit reports, not by dealing with consumers. Your disputes cost them money. With a little diligence, you’re likely to get your way, so be persistent.
- Consumers have historically done well when suing the credit bureaus. It’s difficult for them to truly verify the information in your credit reports. If you’re not satisfied with the results, consider filing a claim in small claims court. Credit bureaus get fined $1,000 per infraction. You’ll likely settle out of court and get your credit report cleaned up.
9. Stay organized. Maintain records of all your correspondence. Make copies and keep those copies filed in an organized manner. Be sure to keep track of dates.
Fixing the errors on your credit reports is simple, but it does take time. It’s important to check your reports every year and whenever possible subscribe to a credit monitoring program.
The cost of credit reporting
errors can be staggering, as they can dramatically increase your interest rates
on any loans you receive, credit cards and insurance rates.
Request your credit reports today and spend the time to examine them carefully. Consider making it a part of your annual financial housekeeping and if you want to make sure your credit is repaired correctly become a MyCreditSystem member and doing it yourself.
You can do it and it will change your life.
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