Credit may seem like a complicated fickle thing, but it can be demystified and used to help better your credit rating or credit score. So what is credit? Credit is when you borrow money against your own name in order to make weekly or monthly payments on an item of high value or price.
The highest forms of credit or loans (borrowing) are often for vehicles and homes, though jewelry, electronics, recreational vehicles and many other items are available on credit including cosmetic procedures, dental care and even home furnishings and home goods can be bought on credit.
With the expansion of
credit over the past decades stores have cropped up their own store credit
cards that you can use to purchase items in their stores and on their web sites
on credit.
The positive of credit is the ability to finance something you cannot immediately afford and the option to build a solid credit rating, or name, for yourself for future borrowing power for the larger items like a house, which for 98% of people requires a loan.
This borrowing power can also be extremely useful
during an emergency when funds are low due to job loss, medical problems,
injury, catastrophe or the death of an income earner. Borrowing allows people
to get through these tough times without sacrificing their quality of life.
The negative aspect of credit is that it has allowed people to live outside their means and everyday millions of people find themselves further in debt which is how credit card companies make their money (profits). It can bring great hardship to those experiencing high levels of debt.
Credit, when used wisely, can offer
opportunities where there are none and help you find a greater level of
borrowing in the future and help during a present situation, but when used
recklessly it can push you into a worse financial situation and negatively
affect your future borrowing power.
When you turn eighteen it seems that every bank and financial institution in the country suddenly has your personal information and wants to offer you “free money”, this is a dangerous time and you should avoid a good majority of these offers.
- It is wise to open one account, but only charge during a month what you are able to pay off completely before the due date.
Your credit reports offer a reporting mechanism through which the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) that gathers account, financial and personal information about you from the creditors and bills you have to form together a credit rating and thus a credit score that represents your ability to pay debt, your timeliness in paying your bills and how often you move or change jobs.
While, much of this information may not seem connected it is all used to gauge whether or not you are a person worthy of credit, a job or even renting an apartment to. So, it’s vitally important to set a good credit rating and practices from the start as credit impacts you your entire life. For some, bad credit and financial practices can lead to a bankruptcy which allows the debtor to wipe their debt clean, except for a few different areas (like school loans, taxes due and others) and start over.
While, this may seem like a dream to many, it sets you back and means you not only have a note on your credit report showing the bankruptcy and your inability to pay any of your bills, but now you have essentially no credit and have to start over as if you were eighteen again. Regardless of how you choose to handle your credit and your potential borrowing power, it’s important to take the time to understand the credit rating and reporting process, not to mention the staying power they both have.
Credit ratings, scores and reports are essential to the quality of life and options available to individuals and can have a direct effect on your status or level of success throughout your life. Take the time to understand these things and work to set yourself up for better financial success. MyCreditSystem is a DYI credit repair and financial literacy program that can help you repair your credit and learn how to maintain a good credit score.
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